Thank you for taking the time to enjoy this CD-rom :
"James W Johnson - Naked Texas Art"
To open the CD-rom double click on the appropriate "Start" icon. It is an exe file that will run automatically.
The monitor settings that are optimum for this cd are 16 bit color at 640x480 dpi. Millions of color will work of course, but the computer may run slower depending on your processor speed. 8 bit (256 colors) will work, but the graphics will not look appear as they should.
To navigate through the CD click on the buttons. Click on any painting to return to the nearest menu. When there are no buttons, try clicking on the image.
To quit, hit the escape key on your keyboard.
A sound card is required to hear the audio and you need Apple's Quicktime for Windows (copyrighted by them and trademarked or whatever is appropriate to give them credit.) if you want to see the videos on a Windows (copyrighted by Microsoft and trademarked or whatever is appropriate to give them credit also) platform. A version of Quicktime for Windows 2.1 is on the CD-rom and ready for you to install if you do not have it already.
If you interested in the price or availability of any of James' art, he may be reached at
PO Box 6596, Lubbock, TX 79493-6596, telephone # (806) 797-2312 or by email at
This CD-rom was developed by Tommy Eaton with help from the artist. If you are interested in having a CD-rom about something arty, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Eaton can be contacted at the above addresses or telephone.